Creating space for people to experience the good news of the gospel

Project Goals

1. Double the capacity of our kids ministry spaces

By renovating our existing fellowship hall into 3 kids ministry classrooms, we are able to disciple twice as many kids each week.

2. Create a welcoming lobby and discipleship area

By removing walls in our existing kids ministry space, we are able to create a large lobby and discipleship area featuring a coffee bar, tables and chairs, and a resource center to help people take their next steps.

3. Increase our capacity for fellowship and other events

By upgrading our seating to pew chairs, we are able to welcome more people to our fellowship meals while creating opportunities to host new types of ministry and community events.

Kids Ministry

Project Cost: $40,700

What’s included?

  • Construction of 3 new classrooms, each featuring double the square footage of current classrooms
  • New drop ceiling and lighting
  • New furniture

How does this help advance the gospel?

A new kids ministry space creates room for double the number of kids to grow as disciples of Jesus.

New Lobby

Project Cost: $31,700

What’s included?

  • Removing walls in current kids hallway
  • New industrial carpet squares
  • Coffee bar area
  • Tables and chairs
  • Next Steps resource wall

How does this help advance the gospel?

This space enables us to better show hospitality and create room for connection. It also creates a space for discipleship,events, and meetings throughout the week.

Sanctuary Update

Project Cost: $32,100

What’s included?

  • New interlocking pew chairs

  • New industrial carpet squares

  • New round tables

How does this help advance the gospel?

These changes enable us to utilize our sanctuary in a variety of ways including worship gatherings, meals, conferences, and hosting community events.

Ready to advance the gospel together?

Why this project?

Over the last several years we have seen the Lord do a wonderful work at our church. We’ve welcomed new families, helped people take their next steps in following Jesus, and overall seen our impact increase.

As we’ve experienced the Lord’s faithfulness, we’ve also experienced some growing pains. Our kids spaces are at capacity, our fellowship hours are at capacity, and we don’t have a great space to help people connect to others every week.

This project enables us to make updates to our building that facilitate continued growth and ministry impact. We’ve worked hard to identify the areas of our building that can make the biggest impact. Investing in this project is an investment in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the North Country.

How to get involved

Pray for provision, laborers, and future ministry impact.

The primary work of God’s people is prayer. Join us as we seek God to meet our needs and use this project to advance the gospel!

Dust off your work clothes and get your hammers ready.

In an effort to keep the costs as low as possible, we’ve elected to do some of the work ourselves. We’ll be tackling demolition, painting, and some electrical work.

Give a one-time or recurring donation.

Every gift makes an impact! Your above and beyond giving enables this project to be completed debt-free while sustaining our current ministry programs.

Ready to advance the gospel together?